Backup Ainvo, background backups easily

Programs to make backups We have seen many, but today we speak of a so-called Copy Ainvo, Which is based on Volume Shadow Copy technology, and as a result does its work silently in the background, without annoying notifications.

Volume Shadow Copy is a technology included in Windows and is used for backing "quiet" full volume, which can also compress a personalized indicating the desired compression level for each case.


To begin, we must click on the Add button to create a new backup, then double click on the / s folder / s you want to add, with the ability to apply filters to exclude files of a certain type if you prefer. Also we will perform scheduled backups, always useful if you want that this task is performed automatically when we are not at your computer.

Ainvo Backup utility is a freeware and very small (it occupies just 3.7 MB of space), compatible with Windows 7, Vista and XP.

Download Copy Ainvo