How to program a computer to turn on and off at certain times

I've written several times about some tools that let you turn off your computer then when your schedule with programs like Shutdown Timer, Aerofoil or SmartPower it is with which we are going to talk today, since this is a feature that makes it more interesting as it can turn on your computer too.

The most common SmartPower is for example is to make your computer "sleep" every day at 2 am, but now you can tell it when to "wake up" this way you can do it just before you get back to work, that prevents let your PC turned on all night and wear out the hard drives.

SmartPower also allows you to set other conditions. For example, you can make your computer "sleep" at 2 am, unless you're downloading something, or running a program, or if a connection is active on the network, for example, when you leave your PC turned on paar download large files from Internet.

This is one of the features I'd like to see integrated into Windows natively, it is not to compare but Mac OS X already has built with energy-saving, but for now we do have to settle with utilities such as SmartPower.

Relay SmartPower download.