How to get your address

Facebook now we will offer an email service for all users on your network, but initially not available to all users, it will first be available only for some, so if you want to be the first to try the service and get your email address tu.nombre @ You must request an invitation.

  1. First you need to request an invitation to try the service at this address:
  2. Once you receive your invitation to try Facebook Messages you should ask your address @ for this is to view messages
  3. There you will see a link for your email address, your address will be the same you use in your Facebook username For example if your username is /carlosleopoldo Your email address will be carlosleopoldo@

With this new email service can check your messages Facebook, chat and SMS in the same place, controlling who you can send messages with your privacy settings, all messages exchanged with each friend you are a single conversation, does not need the subject field or other formalities, you can easily give extensive discussions no longer interest you. We do not offer anything revolutionary Gmail or other services consolidated.