iPhone 3G locked - how to unlock

When you connect your iPhone and the following message appears

"ITunes could not connect to iPhone because it is protected by a code. You must enter the code in the iPhone before using it with iTunes "

If it is impossible to make any code in the iPhone, because this image or the USB connection, or the Apple century, attempting to double-click the Home button to avoid the security code of the telephone.
If despite this manipulation, the iPhone teaches you the following message:

"ITunes cannot activate your iPhone for any SIM card is present or a code of SIM card is required. Disconnect the iPhone, make sure that the SIM card is properly inserted and you have a PIN on your card, select Unlock and reconnect the iPhone ยป

Follow the following steps:

iPhone 3G locked - how to unlock

  • Open iTunes
  • Turn on the iPhone (with the picture comes on USB connection with a message of restoration);
  • Connect the iPhone to the computer with the USB cable (the message shows claiming the PIN code);
  • Press at the same time the Power button and the Home button for about 6 seconds until the screen goes alone;
  • When the screen is off, wait a second and let the Power button, leaving the Home button pressed (the screen should remain black);
  • Hold down the Home button for another 10 to 15 seconds, the screen should remain black, then we are in DFU mode and iTunes proposes to restore.