KCleaner: Clean your operating system from malware and errors

Having a OS error-free means not only have a clean operating system, But it will also be a fast operating system, is something we have to take into account if we have a computer working like clockwork, not like looking at a litter-free operating system That in an operating system that has millions of obsolete files.


With a clean operating system, not only will more hard disk space but it is also a fast operating system. With KCleaner is a safety program that helps us avoid having to be dealing with malware and operating system errors and of course have an application that is responsible for servicing our PC.

This application is free and discusses our hard drives looking for any of the aforementioned flaws, KCleaner, Search for files that are obsolete or no longer used, can also be programmed to only automate and perform maintenance tasks for which it was designed.
