If you have a computer you want to be sure you are always going to work properly is good ideas by monitors various aspects of the system, one of them is the temperature of the processor and also the hard drive, so to know the temperature of the hard disk have DiskAlarm which is a program for Windows that lets you see the current temperature of the hard drive of your computer and you can receive alerts if the temperature of your hard drive over the limit that you set yourself, the alerts include sounds and visuals in the Windows taskbar. The temperature is displayed in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
A DiskAlarm constraints specific lacks a basic I think is to make it ideal in monitoring the temperature of the hard drive and not keep a record of previous temperatures to create a graph, as the temperature display will always be current.
DiskAlarm works on all computers Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or higher, but requires that you have installed . NET Framework.