Released and ready for download Fedora 14 "Laughlin"

A moment ago has been released the latest version of the Desktop Edition-based operating system GNU / Linux, Fedora 14 "Laughlin". So for those who can not stand by downloading the latest version, taking into account that are available live images (LiveCD) in 32 and 64 bits, in addition to Installation Images (DVD) also 32 and 64 bits. By default, these images come with Gnome desktop environment, but if you like, you can get versions with KDE, XFCE or LXDE for all tastes.

In this way, and as every 6 months, this Linux distribution sponsored by Red Hat, brings a new version along with a site redesign Official Website. But we go in talk and see Which brings us back.

In the two major desktops: KDE 4.5 and Gnome 2.32 SC, plus the ability to install from repositories Sugar 0.90, Meego, XFCE and LXDE. It also highlights the update they have made in the repositories with all the software in their latest versions: Amarok 2.3.1, Inkscape 0.48, Gimp 2.7; and Clementine including the official repositories.

On the other hand, Fedora 14 comes with the Linux kernel in version 6.2.1935, together with all improvements, which will imagine a better performance when using the equipment. For developers, including software updates and notable: Qt 4.7, NetBeans 6.9, Python 2.7, Perl 5.12, GCC 4.5, Helios Eclipse, among others.

A distribution with everything we need to connect, entertain, create, produce and many other things. Downloaded it yet? What are you waiting for?