Mac malware detected during the last 2 weeks

Earlier this month appeared on the market a Free Antivirus for Mac Sophos created by the company since then the program has been downloaded 150 000 times as comment on his blog discharges were at times every second!

No doubt the move was a success and not because the antivirus is great, but that simply is free and that attracts users. This will generate many benefits to the company, its brand appears on all sides, allows you to expand your network of users and a percentage of them end up buying other payment solutions.
At 2 weeks of launch Sophos received 50 000 reports of malware that can be seen in the image:


Curiously, the most frequently detected malware is designed for Windows, Mal / ASDFDldr-A is the name given to fake files of music and video that spread via P2P networks, appear normal in size but are blank when opened in Windows exploit a feature of the player that opens the browser and load a malicious page.

Also Java-based malware identified that can be platform and some specific trojans for Mac Conficker position 19 appears, designed for Windows worm that spreads via USB drives (cameras, flash drives, etc), does nothing in Mac but it shows that Windows is a nightmare (Windows users have to lock and disable the autorun!).

There is no doubt that the amount of existing malware for Mac does not compare with that of Windows, but they exist, they exist and consider installing an antivirus is not a bad idea.