Kinects 1 million sold in 10 days

The trend is clear, considering that Wii has been the best selling console, surprised, but not too much, Microsoft has sold one million Kinects in just 10 days with the very clear intention to sell 5 million by year's end. Kinect, As well as Move Playstation or on the same Wii gaming to a sector that, historically, was not very interested in them to avoid interaction by means of "checks and buttons being replaced by natural movements similar to those of MundoReal.

In comparison, Sony took 30 days to sell a million Move Playstation. The number of Kinect can get a bit more surprising considering that only being sold in North America and Europe, then Asia will be available on November 18 and Japan on 20 November.

Kinect is a revolution? probably not, this has happened with Wii, But I think it will be in the future and real change in the way in which we interact with videogames. It is still a little "strange" to play with the air, especially in the current social context (with other people in a room in your house). An ideal video game without using any physical or peripheral control, would, of course.