How to rent movies on iTunes Store

Now that Apple is making the leap to the monopoly, many lovers of technology and Internet have been quite off the hook with some new features of iTunes, such as movie rentals, but thanks to this tutorial learn how to rent movies on iTunes.

app store

You can rent movies on two definitions:

  • Standard Definition (DVD resolution).
  • High definition (HD 720p). The sound of the movies in HD is a 5.1 and is only supported for use on a PC or Mac with digital output or Apple TV.
Rent from iPhone and iPod Touch

The iPod Touch and iPhone also allow movie rentals. This feature is available through iTunes iOS and works on all models.

Discharge is allowed only in standard definition on small screen devices, but the iPhone and iPod Touch 4 of 4 th generation can rent high-definition and standard definition.

The movie is completely downloaded on our device, so we have enough space to download it completely. If I had not, notify us before making the purchase and cancel the transaction, Apple will not rip you off, quiet. Once downloaded, will be available for viewing, but can only be enjoyed on the device which has been rented.

If the device has iOS 4, compatible with AirPlay, can wirelessly broadcast the film in the Apple. The Apple TV will also require an update for it. When the Apple TV is up to date and we deliver the film without problems, taking advantage of 5.1 sound if your Apple TV is connected to a home cinema.

HD movies can only be seen on the iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 4G or an Apple TV. Instead we watch movies in standard definition on any device with IOS.

Rent from PC or Mac

PC or Mac can also access the rental of films, but only in standard definition. From the U.S. and can be rented in HD from iTunes for PC or Mac but in Spain will have to wait.

Once you have chosen the film and introduced the key, this will download. The film could be shifted from one device to another as many times as you want, but may not be in two or more devices simultaneously.

When I start playing the file on any device, starts counting the 48 hours until the expiration of the lease.

Rent in the iPad

From the IPAD can rent movies in HD and standard definition. After selecting the movie, is downloaded to our device.

When activated the AirPlay, we deliver the movie to an Apple TV from the iPad.

The movies we rented in the iPad not be transmitted to a PC or Mac

Rental on Apple TV

From this single device can be rented in HD, but as a preference to the standard definition we can go Settings> General> iTunes Store> Rent HD off.

We rented movies on Apple TV, you can only be seen on the Apple TV because it will not download the movie but we see it streaming.


  1. We have 30 days to see the movie since the rent. If we have not seen in 30 days will be automatically deleted.
  2. Start playback on the range of 30 days, 48 hours we will see every time you want.
  3. After 48 hours the first play, the film will be erased.
  4. If we restore the system with a rented movie, this is lost.
  5. The rent required iOS 3.0 or higher (3.2 for iPad iOS) or version 2.0 of Apple TV software.
  6. Downloading movies is heavy for a 2 hour movie in standard definition is to hold between 1.8GB and 1.5Gb, you can interrupt and resume the download more times. The download will continue where it left off. After the download, start counting 30 days, not before.