Facebook introduces new messaging system: neither too much, nor too little

Much has been expected for the event held today Facebook But the end result has been that everyone expected. Has not arrived Facebook's webmail, And Mark Zuckerberg has instead preferred to present the update messages as a sort of social inbox.

Zuckerberg believes that email is old and outdated, and says that the younger you are cumbersome and prefer something more instant, almost as mix with SMS and chat with some of the email, Which after all if you have been so many years between us we will not dismiss out of hand now, and that has made it clear in stating that they're up to no Gmail killer.

With support for XMPP, Jabber and Facebook API, and the promise of incorporating IMAP in the near future, you can create a messaging core that integrates all our social interaction in an inbox where there is no themes or issues ( As with the email) but we will see all your messages sorted in a record per person.

If someone writes to us from the email we will see a message more in this tray, but if they see our response as an email. For internal messages within Facebook will continue to use our user name as before, while for the messages "outsiders" will use an address like nombredeusuario@facebook.com.

The order may be by date, sender or also by priority, and any resemblance to the Gmail Inbox Priority is pure coincidence Quite what Google Wave, and will have to see what the scope of that. It can forward messages, open attachments in Microsoft Office Web Apps and also Storage capacity is unlimited So I can get to speed things up a lot of people and we do not doubt, but this has nothing revolutionary.