Controversy Call of Duty: Black Ops

While Call of Duty: Black Ops made a full house in the world and also seems to delight players, the SPF of Activision is also at the heart of a lively controversy. Indeed, the first mission, the player is asked to go to eliminate Fidel Castro in Cuba, which does not hesitate to take a young woman in nightgown as human shields. A particularly strong scene as the hero enters the room at gunpoint through an effect bullet time pressed, asked the chief aim for the head of the country and thus control the ball which will be housed in his skull. This scene, as intense as it is, has generated a lively denunciation of a news site Cuban Cube Debate, Denouncing a fairly virulent mission.

After being described as we did, the site accused the game to make possible an attempt that was never accomplished in the past and at the same time increase the sociopathic tendencies among American players. "What the United States has never succeeded in 50 years, they are now trying to do so through a virtual video game"Shows the site before then specify the doubly perverse side of the game "On one hand, this game glorifies failed attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro by the U.S. government, and the other, it increases the sociopathic tendencies among U.S. children and adolescents." Note that we learn later that it was a dead ringer del Castro during this first mission. It now awaits a response from the part of Activision.