BridgeURL: Sharing multiple links into one

Since the introduction of social networks like Twitter or Facebook, also appeared behind them several Web services URL shortening Especially in the case of Twitter, which only allows the possibility of share up to 140 characters for each tweet, which popularized these services shortening.

So far the only difference between these shortening was the extension of his name which made us use more or fewer characters in our tips brother shared a link with our fans.

Now appears on the horizon a new different service, which promises to mark a radical change in this type of service. It is BridgeURL, A new service URL Shortener The main difference is that this service can share no one, if not multiple bond (s) into one. How so? ... Well the point is that BridgeURL, Brings together a number link (s) into one, thanks to your service allows us to insert a link group (s) to create a final link to which we must give a name and then share in the Twitter or Facebook.

When this link is clicked it open or I will have a page on BridgeURLWhere you can navigate through each of the link (s) attached to the link created through the interface BridgeURL, Which integrates the navigation arrows to that fact. Top it also allows us to open the link (s) individually in new tabs.

Link: BridgeURL