Backup service in the cloud and online virtual disk

With the passage of time all our tasks and documents are focusing on what is tag. Like it or not, the trend is that, having everything in Internet access them from any computer in the place that is.

A good option is to have an online virtual hard disk, so we host our files on the Internet then access them from other computers without problems. There are many services as well, but I'm going to discuss is a very important feature, which is the option create backups and sync with our virtual disk.

Among the highlights of this online virtual disk is that its interface is very simple and the service itself is easy to administer. It has high speed data transfer (which will depend on our connection, of course)
no limits in terms of size we can upload files, so the backups can be the size needed.

Service works through a client we installed on our computer, this software is that we can send files directly to our online and manage virtual disk. The good news is that this client is compatible with Windows and Mac.

It is also accessible from mobile devices, So people who use iPhones or BlackBerrys have no problems accessing your files from the phones when needed, from wherever.

The videos or photos that we hosted in our virtual disk may be share on social networks very simply, whether on Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc. Besides being able to share them via email.

Buying service leave can be used on multiple computers, So that is not a limitation, with blind can synchronize data between all computers running the client software.

Our files virtual disk not deleted instantly That gives us much more Security because we can access them again.

This service is offered by SingularWeb And can see available plans This online virtual hard disk on the official website of the service. They are not taking into account high costs that are backed up online, which gives us more confidence in our data. The same company also offers services hosting and domain registration.