Alcatel Christmas: low-cost phones

Christmas comes with proposals phones by leading manufacturers. Each is committed to a different sales arguments: quality, price difference or are some of the highlights. And the firm Alcatel has chosen precisely because of the latter for their models Alcatel OT-710 and Alcatel OT-606.

Both models of phones with the firm Alcatel hits stores Christmas pro cost under 50 euros, which in times of crisis is appreciated. Thus, while the Alcatel OT-710 is priced at 49 euros, the Alcatel OT-606 costs 39 euros.

It is true that mobile landing at the Christmas market Alcatel signed by the Alcatel OT-710 and Alcatel OT-606Not have the latest technology, the worse are the ideal choice for consumers who need a phone for basic functions.


On the one hand, Alcatel OT-710 has a 2.8 inch touch screen and allows online navigation and direct access to social networks. The storage capacity reaches the 4GB model and includes the One Tocuch Play to play all musical content.


On the other side, the other phone models of Alcatel, the Alcatel OT-606, Is a phone designed with two keyboards, touch and QWERTY. Its main sales strategy is its unique design, created especially for the younger audience, and multimedia playback features offered for only 39 euros.