Silent Hill Origins Cheat and Codes Cheat and Codes

Silent Hill Origin Cheat and Codes :

316 Room key
After you beat the game at least once you would have unlocked costumes and titles for yourself. When you first enter Silent Hill you must go to the hospital which is at the end of the block. Walk down the block and keep going straight until you see stairs with a fence which is weird because now it’s broken walk up the stairs then to your left there should be a key for room number 316 for the hotel almost at the end of the game right next to the locked door 318 were your dead father is… anywhoo use the key and watch the little cartoon it gives you, but thats all for now.
How To Sneak Up On Enemies
When you are in a room or hallway that is dark and there is a monster nearby you can attack them without them seeing you by turning your light off.

Exam Room Entry
Use the egg to unlock the door with the plaque with the oval on it. Then get the key to the staff lounge and go through the mirror to get in. Get the exam room key and go to the exam room.