If you try to upload a clip art in Office you get the error 0x80040155 , we offer you a trick to fix it.
If you try to upload a clip art in Word , Excel or any Microsoft program officce you get this error message:
Clip Organizer can not complete the operation. Interface not registered Error Code 0x80040155
This problem may occur when the file Ole32.dll of our system is not registered properly. Moreover, this problem may occur if you damage the installation of Microsoft Windows.
It is possible to solve it by applying the following trick if the problem is Ole32.dll registration :
- Click Start , click Run in the Open box type regsvr32 ole32.dll and then click OK .
- When you receive the following message , click OK:
DllRegisterServer in OLE32.DLL succeeded.
If this does not solve the problem it is possible that the problem is Windows, then no choice but to reinstall the operating system.