Far Cry 3 : Rumours about its development

Far Cry is an action game and first person Ubisoft distributed by the company since 2004 with its first version and the second which came out in 2008.

Now a rumor has come from PC Gamer magazine , which state that Far Cry 3 already in its development phase . According to rumor, the head of this project would be led by Josh Mosqueira of Ubisoft Montreal who previously had been in charge of design Company of Heroes.

It is said that Far Cray 3 would be set in the jungles of Africa , but for now everything is a rumor and that as stated, was made by a columnist PC Gamer Magazine and that so far nothing is known of information (although some are already send us e- mails Montreal Ubisofot to ask about this rumor that he is giving back to many Internet sites .)far-cry-3