Asus Eep 901, 904 and 1000 System Recovery

Here's how to recover the system from Asus ultraportable series 901, 904 and 1000 ...

How to recover the system in the ultraportable Asus Eee 901 series , 904 and 1000
Normally, of origin, the Eep Asus ultraportable comes with a system recovery DVD , with it what we get is to restore the operating system as shipped from the factory . To do this we need an external DVD connected to a USB port because they lack internal one.
With this process erases all data and programs we have installed so if you can , at least recover your important data and programs that you can reinstall the .


  1. Connect an external optical drive to your Eee PC and insert the DVD Support in the external optical drive (It is necessary that the power is on) .
  2. Press during startup to open the Please select boot device screen (select the boot device ). Select USB : XXXXXX ( may be labeled with the brand of the device) to boot from the optical drive.
  3. Press any key to boot from the optical drive.
    Press any key to boot from CD ...
  4. Click OK, OK) when you see the System Recovery dialog box for Eee PC ( Eee recovery system for PC).
  5. Click YES ( Yes) to start the system recovery.
  6. Once the system recovery, support DVD eject the optical drive and click OK ( OK) to restart the Eee PC team .

In a subsequent series of Asus Eee (like 1002) the system can be retrieved from a hidden partition of the system.