5 Twitter Tricks

Recently I’ve been testing multiple strategies using twitter for traffic generation. I decided to share a good one here with you today that you can use right away to get some twitter traffic to your blog.
Most twitter users completely under utilize twitter and those that know how to use it have a huge advantage and can gain a huge following.
5 twitter tricks to maximize twitter traffic

1 Create a post on your blog that is twitter related or something that your twitter followers would be interested in. For instance this very blog post is a good example. Try to deliver some good content that people would love to share on twitter.

2 Optimize your blog to work with twitter, as you can see I have optimized my blog with a few simple wordpress plug-ins most of which are free.

3 Optimize your blog to get members on your mailing list or to subscribe to your blog.
This creates another form of connecting with people and growing your twitter following, you can even send out an email on Aweber and have it post on twitter.

4 Utilize the @ reply on twitter such as @jbode if you were sending a reply to me. This creates several important advantages including more exposure for you and the person your replying to, twitter users are more likely to check an @ reply than a direct message, an @ reply is more personal…

5 Start using this in your blog and you will get more blog traffic

Plus it is free to do and once you figure it out it is easy to implement.
Create a blog post as indicated in tip 1, optimize your blog as in tips 2 & 3.
Now you are ready to add this powerful little link to the bottom of your blog post. Click the link below to see how it works, as you will see it allows you to add value to your twitter following, increase blog traffic and increase your twitter follower